Risotto with Foraged Herbs
(serves 2 | 40 minutes | medium)
A super easy risotto, made a bit more magical by adding foraged herbs – I really recommend using foraged ones or at least herbs from your local farmer’s market (so not the usual parsley and company). I made a small selection of agilo ursino, silene, malva leaves, marjoram, ajucche and a few campanula stems. The idea is to make a risotto alla parmigiana or in bianco and add herbs both halfway through cooking at with the infused butter to top off the dish.

140g arborio or carnaroli rice – 40g butter, divided in half (20g for infusion, 20g for mantecatura) – ¼ cup white wine – 740ml boiling hot broth – grated parmigiano – 10 different foraged herbs – pepper
- Place the rice in a large, non-stick pan on medium-high heat. Stir every minute until toasted. To check if it is toasted, hold a few grains between your fingers – when it becomes too hot to hold you’ll know it is ready. Pour in the white wine and let it evaporate almost completely.
- Begin adding the hot broth ladle by ladle, until rice is al dente. I prefer tasting the rice as I go and not putting a timer on (in any case, risotto takes roughly 20 minutes).
- In the meantime place half the butter in a small pot along with 5 or 6 herb leaves, turn the gas onto low and let the butter melt and brown slowly, then turn off and place to one side.
- Dice the remaining herbs extremely finely, helping yourself with a crescent-shaped chopping knife (mezzaluna), then add them to the risotto roughly halfway through cooking.
- Once the risotto is of your desired al dented-ness, turn off the heat, adding an extra ladle of broth if it seems too dry. Place a handful of parmigiana and the remaining butter in the pan and begin mixing vigorously with a wooden spoon until both are combined. Add pepper to taste and plate.
- Drizzle over each dish the brown butter and herbs (reheating it quickly if it solidified). Serve!