Mag 25, 2021 | Secondi & Sides
Polpette di Pane (serves 2 | 20 minutes | easy) A wonderful recipe, focused on the resourceful nonne and nonni of Basilicata who transformed breadcrumbs into stand alone meatballs, although the best term to use would actually be polpette, as there is no meat...
Mag 25, 2021 | Secondi & Sides
Cozze alla Marinara (serves 4 | 20 minutes | easy) Cozze alla Marinara is one of the “basic” staple dishes of Italian cuisine, they are light, easy to make and very, very delicious—as long as the fish is fresh! The alla marinara is a type of condiment used all over...
Mag 25, 2021 | Risotto & Soups
Risotto alle Nocciole (serves 3 | 40 minutes | medium) I decided to combine two gems of Piedmontese cuisine in a creamy risotto al bianco, on top of which I drizzled toasted hazelnuts and a handful of diced apples, to give the dish a fresh note and contrasting...
Mag 25, 2021 | Risotto & Soups
Clara’s Risotto – toasted cashews & rucola (serves 4 | 40 minutes | easy) In late 2018 a dear friend of mine passed away, and although she was one of the few people in the world suffering from severe ‘gastroparesis’ and therefore could not...
Mag 25, 2021 | Risotto & Soups
Risotto in Bianco (serves 2 | 40 minutes | easy) The classic risotto, to which you can add whatever you like, from saffron, to make risotto alla Milanese, to hazelnuts, courgettes, herbs and so on. A white risotto canvas! Most additional ingredients that need to be...
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