Ottolenghi’s Fennel & Tomato Gratin

Ottolenghi’s Fennel & Tomato Gratin (serves 4 | 1 hour and 10 minutes  | easy) From my series of #iorestoacasa lockdown recipes. Quarantine is becoming challenging, I must admit. So for today’s lunch I wanted to make a veggie dish that would be...

Crescia di Pasqua

Umbrian Crescia di Pasqua (makes 1 | 2.45 hours | medium) A traditional Umbrian Easter dish – not to be confused with the flat “crescia”. A soft, leavened bread with a savory aftertaste due to the mix of cheese used in the dishe’s preparation....

Focaccia Genovese

Focaccia Genovese (makes 1 | 3.5 hours | medium) Yesterday was a very good day. I FINALLY managed to create an almost-perfect focaccia Genovese. “Almost-perfect” because as my mother very kindly pointed out, it was slightly lacking in salt. Mother aside, I...